Tutorial 2

1) Move the cursor to "Effects" window and click on "Plasma" in  "Generate" group. Set value of "Variant" in "Controls" to 7200.

2) Click on "Add" button.

3) Now we smooth the "Plasma". Choose "Blur" in "Filters" group and set "Amount" to 10.

3) Next, we move our smoothed "Plasma" to the buffer, for it, click on "Move to Buffer" in "Buffer" group.

4) Click on "Add" button.

5) Choose "Clear Image" in "Buffer" group. The image became black (it's normal). Click "Add".

6) Then choose "Noise" in "Generate" group, and set width and height to 32. Variant to 3500. Smoothness to 5. Other parameters left without changes. Click "Add".

7) Now we shall try to deform this checkered field on beforehand prepared plasma (see item 1). Choose "Distortion by Buffer" in "Deform" group. Click "Add".

8) Let's overlay the plasma for addition to the image of some fullness. Choose "Connect Buffer" in "Buffer" group. Then "Add".

9) Ok, it almost all. But gamma of colors disappoint, for adjustment of it choose "Gamma correction" in "Adjust Colors" group. Set value of "Percents" to 300. Click "Add".

10) That's all, now your image is ready.

Hint:  Try to change "XY Offset"  parameters of  "Plasma".